Book Review: What If? 10th Anniversary Edition - Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe

Book cover showing dinosaurs being lowered into the Sarlaac pit.

Funny from the preface up until the very last footnote. This is the updated version of the classic "What If" book - where Munroe goes into absurd details about ridiculous questions. Full of nerdy giggles and some utterly bizarre units. For example: The storage industry produces in the neighborhood of 650 million hard drives per year. If most of them are 3.5-inch drives, that’s 8 liters (2 gallons) of hard drive per second. I mean… I GUESS! Charmingly, there are some UK specific notes and …

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Hack Your Kindle

I gave a quick talk at BarCamp Brigton about how to hack the Amazon Kindle 3G.  These hacks come in two flavours - easy and very easy. Very Easy - Pictures Wouldn't it be great to view pictures on your Kindle?  Well?  OK - pictures, perhaps not so much - but comics?  Yes please! For best results, image files should be the same resolution as the Kindle. 600px * 800px - and grey-scale. Let's use the XKCD comics - mostly because they're already the right size and mostly in black and white. And …

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