WordPress Mobile - For The Rest of Us

WordPress is only for people rich enough to buy a smartphone and cool enough to choose the right brand.  Right? From the WordPress Blog: I like to moderate comments when I’m waiting for something: a checkout clerk to help me, the dentist to call me back to the office, a soy chai to be made. I don’t lug my laptop everywhere I go,* so I love it that we have mobile apps that make this possible. I don’t know of any other blogging platform that has mobile apps for iPhone, Android and Blackberry. D…

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Why I Love Open Source

There are many reasons to love Open Source Software.  It's free (as in you pay nothing), it's free (as in speech) and - perhaps my favourite reasons - it's free (as in liberating). By liberating, I mean that one isn't tied down to the product roadmap and release schedule of the developers.  If I find a bug, not only can I report it, I can fix it myself.  If I can't fix it myself, I can often find someone to fix it for me. Imagine writing to MicroSoft and saying "Please can you make this ch…

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