More Fresh Wasabi In The UK

A thick green Wasabi rhizome.

A few months ago I reviewed the UK grown wasabi of The Wasabi Company. The good folk at Kazari saw my review and offered to send some of their wasabi to review. Their Kazari rhizomes are imported from Japan and America, and they're about half the price of The Wasabi Company. After months of procurement, we successfully diverted a portion of Asia's natural wasabi harvest from Tokyo's sushi bars to the UK. Our customers, including some of Europe's leading sushi chefs, love it. It really is a…

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Fresh Wasabi In The UK

tl;dr Buy fresh wasabi in the UK. It's amazing Fresh Wasabi? In The UK When I was at university, I moved into a shared student home with Liz (spoiler she became my wife several years later!). Liz was, and still is, quite the cook. However, her range of culinary equipment dumbfounded our house-mates. I once came in to the kitchen and witnessed a blazing row between her and someone who had the temerity to grate cheese in a nutmeg grater. I didn't even know nutmeg graters existed! I now…

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