Exploring BlueSky's Domain Handles

Treemap of top level domains. It is dominated by .com, although .social is very popular.

Hot new social networking site BlueSky has an interesting approach to usernames. Rather than just being @example you can verify your domain name and be @example.com! Isn't that exciting? Some people are @whatever.tld and others are @cool.subdomain.funny.lol.fwd.boring.tld I wanted to know what the distribution is of these domain names. For example, are there more .uk users than .org users? Shut up and show me the results You can play with the interactive data Oh, and the large number of…

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Running a Shortest Splitline Algorithm on the UK - and other mapping adventures

South Western tip of England split into three.

How do you fairly split a country into electoral subdivisions? This is a difficult problem. Whatever you choose, you'll piss off someone. A politician will be annoyed that their loyal voters are no longer in their district. And voters will be annoyed that they're now lumped in with people from the wrong side of the tracks. This is a very human problem. So let's ignore all the human aspects and run an impartial and unbiased algorithm on the issue! The Splitline Algorithm is, conceptually,…

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