Fourteen years ago, I blogged about the future of voice. In the post, I asked these two questions - which I'd nicked from someone else: Are you faster at speaking or typing? Are you faster at reading or listening? Lots of us now use Siri, Alexa, Bixby, and the like because it is quicker to speak than type. For long-form wordsmithing - it's still probably easier to type-and-edit than it is to speak-then-edit. And the way humans speak is markedly different from how they write. But the…
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Remember text adventures, eh? They were pretty nifty! "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike" >Go East "You have been eaten by a Grue. A dwarf starts singing about gold" Smashing! Just like the pictures are better on the radio, so the graphics are immeasurably superior when they're in your head. Don't get me wrong, I love the 5.1 surround sound snarl of a rabid beast rendered in 1080p - but nothing is quite as good as using your imagination. Text Adventures - or, more…
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Annoyingly, FourSquare has started be be a source of spam for me. I get friend request from people who only like certain brands of stores, from recruitment consultants trying to work out who I'm visiting, and from cultists who are desperate for me to visit Scientology centres. I also get friend requests from people I've never met, including from Ahmed al-Najjar (احمد النجار). I've never met Ahmed and I've no wish to taint him as a spammer - I'm sure he's just misclicked in his friend request …
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I've already blogged about the Leveson Inquiry's disturbing habit of releasing evidence as scanned in PDFs. I had a suggestion from digital journalist Kevin Anderson Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentGah! The #leveson witness statements are photocopied & scanned in levesoninquiry.org.uk/evidence/?witn…Disastrous for open justice - shkspr.mobi/blog/index.php…❤️ 0💬 0♻️ 110:12 - Fri 11 May 2012Mr Anderson@kevglobalReplying to @edent@edent Put the Leveson docs up on Google Docs. I'd be curious how …
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