HOWTO: Split WAV and CUE files on Linux

A cute penguin.

Mostly notes to myself, as a follow-up to this older post. This is a 3-step process. Add the file to an MKV Use MKVmerge: mkvmerge "audio.wav" --chapters "audio.cue" -o "audio.mkv" You can see that chapter names have been added to the .mkv if you run ffmpeg -i or mkvinfo. Split the MKV by chapter This generates one file per chapter: mkvmerge -D -S "audio.mkv" --split chapters:all -o "split-%02d.mkv" The -D switch means no video will be copied. -S means no subtitles. Extract the…

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Splitting a Surround Sound Audio File in Ubuntu

Screenshot of multitrack audio in Audacity.

See this update for a better way to do this. Being mostly notes to myself and following on from my post on Quadrophonic files. I have: A DTS album stored as a .WAV A .cue file with chapter markings I want: The single large file to be split into individual chapters with one file per chapter. Each file to be multitrack (that is, to stay in surround sound) It turns out, that there is no simple way to do this. There are tools to split stereo wav files by their cue sheet,…

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