Why do all my home appliances sound like R2-D2?

Screenshot from Empire. A digital display with red writing.

I have an ancient Roomba. A non-sentient robot vacuum cleaner which only speaks in monophonic beeps. At least, that's what I thought. A few days ago my little cybernetic helper suddenly started speaking! 🔊 💾 Download this audio file. Not exactly a Shakespearean soliloquy, but a hell of a lot better than trying to decipher BIOS beep codes. All of my electronics beep at me. My dishwasher screams a piercing tone to let me know it has completed a wash cycle. My kettle squarks mourn…

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When did Star Wars Chapter 2 become Episode V?

Typewritten script with handwritten annotation.

As every good geek knows, Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope was originally called… "Star Wars". That's it. No subtitle. No episode number. When Empire Strikes Back came out, it was called "Star Wars Episode V" - which necessitated rewriting history and calling the original film "Episode IV". But at what point did the second Star Wars movie become known as Episode V? I've been reading "The Making of the Empire Strikes Back" by J. W. Rinzler, which I shall quote from extensively. Originally, i…

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Book Review - Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy

Book cover for Star Wars Propaganda.

This is a weird book. The politics of the Star Wars universe are rarely deeply examined. The various tax-related shenanigans of The Phantom Menace were derided by geeks but here become a potent source for art as a dozen artists reimagine classic propaganda posters from Earth and remix them with pop-culture. There are some stunning pieces of art - with a real feel of history. Here's a typical sample: Others just look like they were stitched together from clipart. The images are a decently …

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The Force is Irrelevant in Star Wars

Two robots embracing.

I've been watching the new 4K77 fan-releases of Star Wars (AKA - A New Hope). It is amazing seeing the graininess of the original picture and hearing just how lush the original stereo soundtrack is. There's even some good bonus content in terms of a long-lost LaserDisc commentary. But rewatching the film made me re-asses what I thought I knew about The Force. My childhood was dominated by trying to perform telekinesis and mind-reading. In retrospect, those are mostly artefacts of Empire and…

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There's too much Star Wars

A simple 2D point and click game called Yoda Stories.

I am (what could charitably be called) a Star Wars fanboi. When I was a nipper, there were only 3 Star Warses, and I wore out the video tapes watching them repeatedly. When the Timothy Zahn books came out, I was starved of new content and devoured them eagerly. And... that was pretty much all there was for Star Wars. Oh, sure, there were the Droid and Ewok cartoons but - although I didn't have the vocabulary for it - I didn't think they were cannon. By the time I got married in a Star Wars…

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"He's more machine now than mannequin" - repairing Darth Vader with a Micro:bit

Photo of Darth Vader's head - there is a huge hole in his head.

As long term readers know, I got married dressed as Darth Vader. After keeping my wedding suit in storage for far too long, I purchased a mannequin to display the costume. Ever since then, Vader has lurked behind me in my home office. Looming over my every decision. But a few weeks ago, the old chap took a tumble. A gust of wind caught his cape - NO CAPES - and sent him crashing to the ground. Luckily the helmet took the brunt of the impact - but I was now left with a battle-scared Vader.…

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(Nearly) An XSS in Star Wars .com

An XSS pop-up on a Star Wars website.

You remember that bit in Star Wars where the Rebels find the flaw in the Death Star plans and then completely fail to exploit it? Yeah, that's why they don't make movies about inept hackers like me… Anyway, the website https://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/ allows users to create their own "Star Wars" style crawl. It's a fun little site - but it has a few flaws. Whenever you let people enter content which is displayed back on the screen, there's a possibility that they'll be a…

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Why doesn't Disney+ support accents in profile names?

An apostrophe in Donald O'Duck causes the profile name to display an error.

Because I'm genetically pre-disposed to watch every piece of Star Wars content ever created, I signed up for a free trial of Disney's newest streaming service. As part of onboarding, it asked me to create a profile name. This is typically done so that multi-user households can have separate profiles and preferences. Mum doesn't have her princess stories disrupting Dad's suggestions. And Junior doesn't see what filth their parents are watching late at night. All the better to build up detailed…

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Star Wars and Standards

Still from A New Hope. Leia inserts the disk into R2-D2.

I recently read Future Law - a book of essays about using popular culture to explain technological and legal concepts. One essay looks looks at GDPR issues experienced by Disney® Princesses. I thought I'd try my hand at something similar! So here's my (brief and incomplete) guide to Technical Standards in Star Wars! Where do we see compatibility - and incompatibility - within the Star Wars universe? How might the lives and fates of our protagonists have been changed by better standardisation? …

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Book Review: Star Wars - From a Certain Point of View

Book cover.

On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors,…

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Review: The Force Awakens - live in concert

Programme flyer.

Long time readers will remember that I was lucky enough to see the premiere of The Force Awakens in London. So I was overjoyed to see that TodayTix had discount tickets for TFA live in concert at THE SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE! It was the last day of our big Australian road-trip, and we'd sailed past the opera house so often that it was becoming a familiar friend. Once we'd found our way to the correct entrance, we were greeted by fully costumed Stormtroopers, a Wookie, Imperial Officers - and this …

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You Have To Take People With You

This post starts off talking about Star Wars, but it isn't really about that. I enjoyed Rogue One - the newish Star Wars film. It's not a perfect film, but it was heaps of fun. My only real problem was with Donnie Yen's character - Chirrut Îmwe. As soon as I saw a Blind Asian Monk, I knew that he would be a kick-ass warrior with almost supernaturally good sword skills. Even if you've never heard of Donnie Yen before, it is such an obvious trope that I felt cheated. He is Zatoichi, …

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