Some esoteric versioning schemes (monotonic moronity)

A pet cat typing on a computer keyboard.

Since time immemorial, software has had version numbers. A developer releases V1 of their product. Some time later, they add new features or fix bugs, and release the next version. What should that next version be called? Modern software broadly bifurcates into two competing standards; SemVer and CalVer. SemVer Semantic Versioning is usually in the form 1.2.3, the last digit is usually for minor bug fixes, the second digit for new functionality, and the primary digit for big and/or breaking …

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What's the point of a pub?

A bottle of beer outside on a sunny day.

The UK is going through one of its periodic lamentations that "Things Are Changing And No One Asked Me". This time, it is over the loss of the humble British pub. It seems every year there's another story about how pubs are vanishing. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the Fabric Of Society™ is rent asunder. To which I say "Good riddance. Most pubs are shit and deserve to go." Let me explain. It is quite clear that the majority of the population do not find pubs to have a compelling v…

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