Musical Roombas!

A list of musical notes and teh Hex codes needed to make them play on the robot vacuum cleaner

A few years ago, I added WiFi to my Roomba using a 3rd party add-on. Sadly, it looks like Thinking Cleaner, the company which created the WiFi unit is no longer manufacturing them. But in their latest firmware release, they added a fun new option - the ability to make your Roomba sing! Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentI've hacked @edent_roomba to obey its true master.(You'll want the volume up for this.)❤️ 26💬 1🔁 020:41 - Mon 18 September 2017 The Roomba has a basic spea…

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Adding WiFi To A Roomba

There are two very clear signs that I'm getting old. The first is that I bought a domestic robot to help me with the chores. The second is that, rather than spending my evenings and weekends reading decades old forum postings, reverse engineering serial interfaces, and soldering components together - I plunked €99 on a bit of kit which "just works". Enter the Thinking Cleaner - it's a replacement faceplate for Roombas which adds WiFi and a sweet hackable API. This post looks at how the unit …

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