Tropo Voicemail Transcription Service

I've been using Ribbit Voicemail ever since SpinVox died. Sadly, Ribbit has croaked. So, how to get my voicemails transcribed and have MP3s emailed to me? Enter Tropo! Tropo makes it simple to build phone, SMS and Instant messaging applications. You use the web technologies you already know and Tropo's powerful cloud API to bring real-time communications to your apps. Basically, you write PHP to run on Tropo's servers, which then can interact with Voice and Text. Following Tropo's great…

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What's Happening With Ribbit Mobile?

I love Ribbit Mobile's voicemail service. It's the perfect replacement for the now-defunct SpinVox. My voicemail gets transcribed (by a human or machine) - then the text is emailed and texted to me. I even get an MP3 recording for later blackmail purposes. But today comes the news that Ribbit is shutting down. Or is it? The email specifically says: "this notice only refers to Ribbit Developers and does NOT impact Ribbit Mobile or Ribbit for Salesforce users" Indeed, there are still a…

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Ribbit Voicemail

(Edit 2010-03-15 - Thanks to Mobyaffiliates for choosing this post as Carnival of the Mobilists post of the week!) I'm a long time fan of SpinVox - the Voicemail to SMS service.  In my review of them last year I found seven ways they could improve their service. Due to SpinVox's rather beleaguered year, there have been no noticeable improvements or enhancements in the service they provide. (Edit 20100318 - SpinVox is now cancelling all individual users' accounts) SpinVox Cancelled …

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