I needed to read and write NFC cards on Linux. I only buy USB-C peripherals now, so I found the brilliantly named "ACR1252U-MF" which appears to be the only USB-C reader on the market. Total cost was about £35 on eBay. It's a cheap and light plastic box with a short USB cord. When you plug it in, there's a flashing light which can't be disabled. When it is powered up, or it detects and NFC chip, it makes this weird and scratchy beep: 🔊 💾 Download this audio file. On Linux, it shows…
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I have mixed feelings about Multi-Factor Authentication. I get why it is necessary to rely on something which isn't a password but - let's be honest here - it is a pain juggling between SMS, TOTP apps, proprietary apps, and magic links. I'm also not a fan of PassKeys. It feels weird to me that my computer is the password. I get the theoretical way it works - but it rubs me up the wrong way. So, Yubikeys? I find them an annoyance. I never have my keys to hand - which sort of defeats the…
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I've spent most of the last decade ranting against NFC. QR Codes are almost always superior to NFC. QR codes hold more data, are extremely cheap, and easy to spot. NFC tags are limited in size, expensive, and have no universally recognised icon. Oh, and NFC doesn't work if it's stuck on a metal surface! So, I've been sent 20 NTAG 215s to review. First thing's first, these cost a pound each! The 215s are in a supply shortage at the moment, but even buying in bulk, you'll only get down to…
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I've just got a set of wearable NFC tags, and I've discovered something interesting about the way data is stored on them. tl;dr Overwriting a tag can leave old data intact, and still readable. Here's the decoded memory layout of a tag with data written to it. In this case, a (failed) experiment at storing a JavaScript pop-up. # NDEF message: [00] D1 01 7D 55 00 64 61 74 61 3A 74 65 78 74 2F 68 |.␁}U␀data:text/h| [10] 74 6D 6C 3B 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 75 74 66 2D |tml;charset=utf-| [20] 38 2…
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My fingers are now Internet-enabled. Well... sort of! My dexterous digits can now wirelessly broadcast URls and all sorts of other information. Here's a video showing how! Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentReplying to @edentMy nails contain a URl! pic.x.com/MmOvnlqt0u❤️ 5💬 3🔁 019:20 - Fri 18 January 2019 I have a small NFC chip sandwiched between my finger and a fake nail. NFC - Near Field Communication - is the magic which makes your contactless credit card / Oyster card work. The chip cont…
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The good folk at PITAKA have sent me one of their Carbon Fibre wallets to review. It is a gorgeous bit of kit - but does that justify the price tag? https://shkspr.mobi/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/PITAKA-Carbon-Fibre-Wallet-Review-6mP3siO8Sps.webm You can also view the unboxing on YouTube This is a card-holder with space for 6 cards - wrapped up in a protective bundle, secured with strong magnets. Let's get the price out of the way first, this wallet costs £80. That's not Gucci …
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My first QR code post of 2013! I'm a long term fan of QR codes. I know some people don't like the idea of augmenting reality with specific tags for computer vision - but I do. Some people prefer RFID/NFC. Others still prefer dedicated augmented video apps. As I've written many times before, QR codes have several substantial advantages over alternate technologies. QR is a free and open standard. Compatible with every phone with a camera. No need to build or use a dedicated…
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RFID is like cold fusion. It will revolutionise everything - and it's only five years away! Terence Eden And, much like cold fusion, NFC will permantently be just around the corner. It's been "The Year of NFC" since 2008. Just like it was in 2009 and in 2010. Today the news came that Google may be abandoning QR codes in favour of NFC for its business places service. I think this is a mistake and that NFC is too far away to be of any real use. Indeed, I think NFC will permanently be too…
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