Mobile Newspapers

When I was a student, I had a brilliant idea.  Why not have a stand at every train station where you could sync your Palm Pilot with the latest news? Insert a pound in the slot, press the button for The Times, aim your handheld's IrDA at the blinking light and ZAP! All the latest news for you to read on your train journey. It's just as well that my idea never got out of the paper prototyping stage.  While BlueTooth has supplanted Infrared in the majority of modern phones, it is network p…

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Mobile Badvertising - Click Here

How do you indicate that something on the web is "clickable"?  The W3C - the body which sets the standards for the Web - recommend you don't use "Click Here" for link text.  Normal text is usually underlined and / or a different colour when it is a hyperlink - images don't have any specific decoration to indicate you can click on them. In this animated GIF, an advert for Lexus, we see a call to action which says "Click Here". Lexus Advert Would it not be obvious to readers that this is an a…

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