Restaurant Review: Le Bel Canto

For our third wedding anniversary, Liz and I went to an amazing restaurant - Le Bel Canto (warning: Flash site with auto-playing music). The waiting staff are all professional opera singers - they serve the food and they sing to you. And, wow they can sing. Take a listen to this AudioBoo. The highlight of […]

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Review: Dans Le Noir?

A completely black image.

I first heard of Dans Le Noir? last year and have been itching to go ever since. Dans Le Noir? is a restaurant with a gimmick. You eat in the dark. I don't mean that the lights are dim; there are no lights. Mobile phones and watches with luminous dials are banned. There's not so […]

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How Not To Design A Mobile Site - TasteLondon

I'm a huge fan of TasteLondon.  Their card gives discounts in hundreds of restaurants around London.  It's saved me quite a bit of money  and I really recommend the service to anyone who likes eating out. There is a small problem with it, though.  The directory of restaurants it covers is a fairly heavy paperback […]

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