The least secure TOTP code possible

QR code.

If you use Multi-Factor Authentication, you'll be well used to scanning in QR codes which allow you to share a secret code with a website. These are known as Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTP). As I've moaned about before, TOTP has never been properly standardised. It's a mish-mash of half-finished proposals with no active development, no test suite, and no-one looking after it. Which is exactly what you want from a security specification, right?! So let's try to find some edge-cases and…

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What's the point of a pub?

A bottle of beer outside on a sunny day.

The UK is going through one of its periodic lamentations that "Things Are Changing And No One Asked Me". This time, it is over the loss of the humble British pub. It seems every year there's another story about how pubs are vanishing. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the Fabric Of Society™ is rent asunder. To which I say "Good riddance. Most pubs are shit and deserve to go." Let me explain. It is quite clear that the majority of the population do not find pubs to have a compelling v…

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Google has no faith in its ability to launch new products

Android logo.

Back when I was a product manager for a large mobile network operator, we faced a constant problem. How do you launch a new product to the public? Most people are reluctant to try new things. Even in the exciting world of proto-smartphones, convincing someone to download, install, configure, and use a new app was difficult. Sure, we could run expensive advertising campaigns. Send hopeful text messages. Have a big celebrity endorsement. Or maybe get our customer service reps to push it. In the …

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Most people don't care about quality

Screenshot of the Netflix search screen.

My friend, the photographer Paul Clarke has an uncanny eye for detail. Every single shot he publishes is beautiful - they capture life in a way that I don't have the language to describe. I'm quite content to point my phone at someone, use the default settings, and grab a snap. My photos lack composition, clarity, focus, mise-en-scène, proper lighting and a thousand-and-one details that I've never even thought of. Paul has published an essay about official photographs of politicians. In it, he …

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Discord is not Documentation

Some colourful blobby people constructing an FAQ. Photo by @alexasfotos on Pixabay.

I'm going to be slightly contrarian and say that I like Discord. It's great to be able to get real-time help on a problem. And it is fun to see, again in real-time, what other people are working on and struggling with. In truth, Discord is no harder to sign up to than Slack, Matrix, Gitter, IRC, or whatever. And of course Open Source projects will follow the maxim of "go where your audience are". There's no point posting everything to MySpace when everyone's already on Facebook. Do I care…

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Stop treating eBooks like paper books

Screenshot of a page of an eBook. The page number splits the page in half. Footnotes are visible at the bottom of the bisected page.

As part of my never-ending quest to banish this skeuomorph from the world… I was reading a fascinating eBook recently which was, sadly, designed to mimic a legacy / paper book. To the point where the authoring software had hard-coded in page numbers and forced them to be displayed. Here's what it looked like: There are two abominations here. There's no need to interrupt the reading experience by bisecting a page and displaying the page numbers. And there's no need to put footnotes at the a…

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Everything is simple, until you're an expert

Lots of tangled wires.

I recently watched a brilliant documentary about the building of London's CrossRail system. It discussed many of the challenges involved with a "mega project" - and gave a little insight into what went wrong during construction. What struck me though, was how simple it seems to build an underground railway! Dig some tunnels Lay some tracks Done I mean, that's all it is when you get down to it, right? But, of course, even something as basic as digging a tunnel is hard. Sure, even the…

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Have ComputerShare screwed up your EquatePlus account? Call them on 08009231507

computershare logo.

I hope this rant is useful to someone... I have some shares leftover from an old employer. The sharesave account was managed by ComputerShare who are pretty crap. For some reason, ComputerShare have decided to migrate lots of their customers to an equally crap service called EquatePlus. I only found out about this when trying to log in to ComputerShare to do my annual tax return. It told me to bugger off to EquatePlus. Because sending proactive communications to your users is so hard... I…

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My imaginary children aren't using your streaming service

Channel 4 Player asking me to confirm if I'm over 18.

Whenever I start up Netflix, I'm asked if I want to create an account for my children. I don't have children. I don't want children. I find most children annoying - not yours, obviously, yours are lovely. But I resent being asked every single time whether my imaginary kids want an account. It's just annoying. I can't imagine what it is like for bereaved parents who have recently lost a child. Or for those struggling with fertility issues. That constant reminder every time they try to numb…

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What's the point of Zip files?

Zip file icon.

My laptop ran out of space yesterday. Why? Useless ZIP files! I needed to download a Windows Virtual Machine in order to upgrade the firmware on a device (long story). The official Windows 10 VM is 20GB TWENTY GIGA-FUCKING-BYTES!!! It downloaded reasonably quickly - yay fibre! But I had to wait almost as long to unzip the bloody thing. Whereupon, I discovered that zipping the file - and it was only one single file in there - saved a whole 200MB. Yup, a 1% saving. As it happens, I downloaded …

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Why Lying is Essential for Privacy Herd Immunity

Binary code displayed on a screen.

My date of birth is the 1st of January 1901. My phone number is 0000000000. My gender is decided on a coin flip. My country of residence is Afghanistan. And my Mother's maiden name is a random mix of upper-case, lower-case, numbers, and symbols. Well, that's what you would believe if you were any website I've registered for. If you're a free WiFi provider, you get random details. Unless you have a legitimate reason for needing my name and address, you'll find that I live in a desirable area of …

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Localisation is too hard for Gmail

Google email interface.

/ləʊk(ə)lʌɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/ The ability to adjust a user-interface to the user's local language or dialect Because I live in the UK, I speak en_GB (English, Great Britain) rather than en_US (English, Simplified United States). Mostly, all dialects of English are mutually intelligible. Sure, the Brits love the letter U and the Americans stick a Z in every possible word. But we get along reasonably well. Except in Gmail. Here's my en_GB localised Gmail interface. Note how there is a folder calle…

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