Congratulations to rawedge for this QR campaign for Sky Atlantic. A simple QR code, pointing to a URL (with source=qr for analytics), a mobile website, and a 3gp video. Almost perfect. Why Almost? I'm a nit-picker - but here are a few suggestions to make the campaign better. Make the code bigger. When dealing with newsprint and its fuzzy images, it's always better to make the QR as large as possible - or as large as your advertising team will allows. Larger images are easier to scan. …
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Click for Full Size Moo Cards seem to be the darling of the UK tech scene. Cute business cards which you can personalise with whatever you like. Some people are boring and use company logos, others dump their best flickr images on there. Me? I'm all about phones and QR codes, so..... (more…) …
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Mobile QR codes are fantastic. They're real-life hyperlinks. Snap them with your phone and go direct to a website. What could be better? The BBC, however, need a few lessons in how to optimise the experience. As part of their Prisoner Zero page - the BBC have an awesome "Wanted Poster". Here's the teaser image. Prisoner Zero - QR Code Let's take a look at the full QR code. This is about the size it would be if the poster were printed on A4. QR Code There are three problems with this…
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It shouldn't come as a surprise to any reader of this blog that I'm a phone geek. And a Doctor Who geek. So, image my utter nerdgasm when we got to see the 11th Doctor using a mobile he'd nicked. The burning question is which phone? Touchscreen It's quite hard to see throughout the episode. It just looks like a standard touchscreen device in a rubber casing. I had wondered if the props team had created a dummy phone to be used. What Phone? Annoyingly, the phone is almost always out of fo…
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BBH Labs - a marketing agency's "Skunkworks" - recently blogged about using QR Codes to send messages via Twitter. There approach was interesting, but as I commented, there are ways to improve it. If you scan in the above QR code, it will take you to Twitter and pre-populate your status with "@edent". You can, of course, set it to be any message you like. There are two key things to remember with QR codes. Keep the information in them short to ensure readability. The more characters …
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I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else. It would appear that the mobile version of YouTube now includes links to QR codes, so you can share the video with your friends. I've only seen this using the Android browser, I'm not sure if it's available on other devices. Browsing http://m.youtube.com/ at the bottom is a new link A link to a QR code Clicking on it takes you to a QR code The QR code It's using the Google Chart API to generate the code. The Googe Chart API in use Will this…
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Where am I?Most high-end Nokia phones come with a QR reader. If your phone doesn't, I have a list of QR code readers - compatible with most camera phones. …
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Yesterday, I was a little pissed off with Lufthansa. How hard is it to supply a vegetarian meal on a plane? Anyway, today they have totally redeemed themselves. I love online check-in because it means that I don't have to faff around at the airport, I can choose my own seat, it reduces queueing and, because I usually only travel with hand luggage, keeps everything running quickly. What I don't like is having to print off a boarding pass. I'm either nowhere near a printer or I find myself…
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Seen on a billboard in London, near Oxford Circus tube. A part electronic animated advert offering a discount at a local store. If you text to 79990 you'll receive a Datamatrix code.In this case, it's the store which is using the code; they'll scan it in before giving you a discount.This is a pretty good way of distributing codes. The retailer gets your phone number and, when you show the code they'll get a good idea of what phones are popular so they can work out which accessories to…
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QR Codes are funky 2D barcodes. Snap one with your camera phone and you'll get information on your phone. However good your mad T9 skillz are, it's a struggle to type in long URLs, SMS exact keywords to a shortcode or to accurately transcribe a business card onto your phone. That's where QR Codes come in. No more typing - just point and click. Even Google is getting in on the act. They're putting them on print adverts they're running. See this on a poster on a train, snap it with your…
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