As the Student Protests were starting outside my office door, I decided to pop down and see what was going on. I nominally joined in and took this selection of some of the more humorous signs I found. The photos seemed to go down well on Twitter - this one had 15,000 views and Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentFather Ted school of protest #9nov❤️ 12💬 3🔁 013:05 - Wed 09 November 2011 reached at least 26,000 users. If you're interested in using / licensing them, please use th…
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On Wednesday, I attended the "Stop Disconnection Demo" to protest the Digital Economy Bill outside parliament. Protestors I've been on a few protests in my time. Anti-war, anti-nukes, anti-tuition fees and the like. This was one of the most cheerful protests I've ever attended. The protesters were friendly and erudite. Passers-by seemed happy to take our literature. The speakers - while hard to hear - spoke with knowledge ad passion. Even the police (!) were charming and even took some of…
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As I was digging around some ancient back-up CDs, I happened across some of my early web pages. Way back in the mists of time, I was a member of the UEA Peace Society. As well as organising talk on campus, we occasionally went on protests. This page records the protest we took to Lakenheath - a local US military encampment.As far as I can tell, this was part of the Citizens' Weapons Inspection project.So, here it is, in all its unedited glory. I wonder where you all are now? Protest at…
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