An NFT without a Blockchain. No gas fees. No Eth. No gatekeepers

A blocky image of Rembrant.

This is a small proof-of-concept. It relies on PGP - but you could use Keybase, GPG, or any other hard-to-use encryption program. Background Suppose you want to support an artist and give them money. That's easy. Most artists take PayPal, bank transfer, or cash. But how can you prove that you've paid an artist for […]

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PGP Sign Your Twitter Messages

Message saying "Read alt text for PGP sig".

I'm not sure if I'm the first person to do this - but I'm going to claim credit anyway! Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentHello! This Tweet has been signed with my PGP Key.❤️ 41💬 7♻️ 008:03 - Thu 14 May 2020 You can verify by pasting the alt text into - or by […]

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Things For Which Cryptographic Signing Would Be Useful

Every time someone mentions BlockChain, I have to down my drink. Those are the rules. You see, most uses of Distributed Ledger are really just a way to get people interested in cryptographic signing. There's lots of money and attention flowing to projects which have no need to publish to an energy-inefficient global database. They […]

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PGP Encrypt Twitter DMs with Keybase

This is a quick tutorial on how to encrypt your Twitter messages using PGP with the help of I read an article yesterday which seemed to imply that Twitter was mangling PGP encrypted messages (albeit unintentionally). There is a minor bug in Twitter's web interface - but PGP seems to work perfectly in apps. […]

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Don't Use To Advertise Your PGP Key

I had dinner with the outgoing editor of The Guardian the other night. Clever chap, sure he'll go far in life. The Guardian is very hot on security. Many of their writers have PGP keys which they publicly advertise. In theory, that's great (complaints about PGP notwithstanding) - but the reality shows just how tricky […]

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