Another one in the Panopticon series. Bouncy sci-fi which scattershoots its plots all over the place. VR, Mission to Mars, evil AI, underwater cities, eyeless technomages - this has it all. It probably has a little too much crammed in. But, hey, it's a great ride. A cliffhanger every other chapter, vaguely plausible science, and mortal danger at every turn. It looked like I was about to be part of my first space battle, and it would be fought with blunt instruments. The series are a great…
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I usually don't like reading endless sequels of sci-fi books - but I'll make a gleeful exception for Anne Currie's "Panopticon" series. What if the METAVERSE but IN SPACE! With a MURDER! C'mon, how can you not love that? At its heart is a classic Asimov mystery. Why would a robot kill a human? It is mixed in with a deliciously disturbing dystopia ("But I want to be under constant surveillance!") I'm never quite sure whether I would want to live in the world she's created - but I sure do enjoy …
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Another fun and frantic slice of near-future sci-fi from Anne Currie. This is the sequel to Utopia Five. A post-global-climate-catastrophe Britain, where augmented humans stalk the land and immersive technology allows for an effective panopticon. Is it a snooper's paradise, or a sensible way to maintain order? There's a surprising amount of philosophy in here - although it does occasionally lapse into a Wikipedia-highlights of a famous philosopher. But, at 99p, who am I to complain? It would…
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My name is Lee and I was born on the 8th January 2025 - the day the Panopticon was turned on. In 2053, Earth is a changed place. City states make their own laws and we’re all watched over by the ever present drones. I reckon the new Earth is a utopia. We’re still alive aren’t we? What more do people want? It’s been more than a decade since the Hot Summer. I remember when none of us thought we’d make it this long. Not everyone agrees our lives are better under the Panopticon. Someone is…
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