What doesn't work in LineageOS 20

Screenshot of the Android Version screen.

My OnePlus 5T is beginning to show its age. After replacing the battery a few years ago, I felt it was time to upgrade its software to Lineage 20. Everything went smoothly - but there are a few niggles you should be aware of. Some of these are Google's fault - they truly have contempt for their users - and some could be fixed by Lineage if there were sufficient demand. I've mostly posted this list so that someone from XDA can tell me I'm an idiot and there's an easy fix for all of these…

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New Batteries Make Everything Better

Graph showing 5% battery left after 28 hours.

It has been 4 years since I got my OnePlus 5T. For a mobile geek like me, that's unbearably long! In recent months, the phone has become temperamental and the battery barely made it through the day without a couple of charges. Using the OnePlus Diagnostic Tool, I could see that battery health had fallen below 50%. New batteries cost around £15 on eBay - and come with the tools needed to disassemble the device. But, in recent years, I've become wary about fiddling with delicate electronics. …

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Check your battery stats with the OnePlus Diagnostic Tool

App showing healthcheck app.

My OnePlus 5T is 3.5 years old and, after daily abuse, its battery life is starting to fade. But how bad is it? OnePlus have a diagnostic tool which, annoyingly, isn't available in the Google Play store. And is a bit of a pain to run. So here's a quick tutorial. Download the app APK Mirror have a copy of OnePlus Diagnostic 2.1. There may be a later version by the time you read this. Download and install it. But how do you run it? I couldn't find it in my app list. Install App Manager From …

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OnePlus 5T - two-and-a-half years later

OnePlus 5T status screen showing Android 10.

Back in November 2017, I treated myself to my first new phone in ages - the OnePlus 5T. I was pretty excited! This week, 928 days after I bought it, OnePlus pushed an upgrade to Android 10! Back in 2011, I was moaning that Sony Ericsson didn't even support their phones for a year. How times have changed! Android devices aren't yet at the longevity of the iPhone, and they're still a long way away from Linux's ability to run modern software on ancient systems. But this is a positive step. …

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