Police And Blue Boxes

The journalist Shiv Malik took a rather intriguing photo at the recent student protests. It appears to show a group of police officers gathered around a blue box. No one seems to know what the box is for. I'm sure it's got a rather prosaic function - but that doesn't stop the speculation! As soon I saw it, I could think of only one thing; chroma-key! (Or Colour Separation Overlay if you're the BBC). It's more commonly known as "blue screen". It's the special effect which allows you to…

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Photos: Student Protests

I drink Starbucks. I don't count.

As the Student Protests were starting outside my office door, I decided to pop down and see what was going on. I nominally joined in and took this selection of some of the more humorous signs I found. The photos seemed to go down well on Twitter - this one had 15,000 views and Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentFather Ted school of protest #9nov twitpic.com/7cej0x❤️ 12💬 3🔁 013:05 - Wed 09 November 2011 reached at least 26,000 users. If you're interested in using / licensing them, please use th…

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