Autograph hunting in Companies House

Legal document signed by George Harrison.

The UK register of businesses - Companies House - has an online record of every company in the UK. It contains articles of incorporation, statement of accounts, and all sorts of legal documents. Everything which has been digitised is freely available. Yay for public records! Famous and important people have companies. Lots of them use lawyers and accountants to handle their business affairs. But occasionally they have to sign their own paperwork. I've spent a bit of lockdown sperlunking…

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The Evolution of Reg

Scene from Monty Python's Life of Brian. The People's Front of Judea sit on the steps, arguing.

In today's edition of "All My Faves Are Problematic..." I was re-watching Life of Brian for the umpteenth time, when I suddenly felt uncomfortable. You can probably recite this scene from memory: REG: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?! FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality. It feels a bit... Well... Grim. In 2020 it kinda reeks of transphobia. Lots of people on the…

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