Doesn't everyone have unlimited data?

A graph showing pre-pay usage is gradually declining.

One of the (many many many) things our team worked on this week finally went live: Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentYou can now access most NHS services from your mobile, with no data charges.In awe of the team who pulled this together very quickly.…gov.ukMobile networks remove data charges for online NHS coronavirus adviceFree access to online NHS services will be available for as long as coronavirus (COVID-19) remains widespread in the UK.❤️ 459💬 17🔁 019:30 - Wed 18 Marc…

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Mobile Newspapers

When I was a student, I had a brilliant idea.  Why not have a stand at every train station where you could sync your Palm Pilot with the latest news? Insert a pound in the slot, press the button for The Times, aim your handheld's IrDA at the blinking light and ZAP! All the latest news for you to read on your train journey. It's just as well that my idea never got out of the paper prototyping stage.  While BlueTooth has supplanted Infrared in the majority of modern phones, it is network p…

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iPhone vs iPlayer : 3G capacity planning

Logo for BBC iPlayer.

The Internet is abuzz with the on-going spat between the BBC and the UK ISP industry. In short, the iPlayer is now responsible for 5% of all data traffic in the UK. That figure is growing. The problem is that the ISPs have been selling "unlimited" internet connectivity when their capacity is severly limited. The ISPs are trying to make up for their lack of investment in their systems by getting the BBC to pay to upgrade the ISP's networks. That's not going to happen, nor should it. So, what …

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