I started dating Liz - my now wife - one cold January back at university. We were young and disgustingly in love. This was it - 💕true love💕! And then, right in our honeymoon phase, she left to Australia for the summer holidays. We both wailed and made overly dramatic speeches about how we'd stay true to each other. And we'd write every day! And nothing would tear us apart! Those eleven weeks sssuuuuuccccckkkkkeeeeddddd! Skype hadn't been invented, and long distance calls were prohibitively exp…
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This could be the most important email I ever sent... Subject: Come One! Come All! Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:27:51 -0000 Yes, this Sunday our charming colonial cousins will be playing the American Football Superbowl!!!!!!! If you're anything like me you can contain your excitement at the thought of watching a bunch of Yanks try to play rugby while dressed up like nancy boys... but come anyway - there's gonna be beer and nachos... LOTS of beer... MANY nachos... So, yeah, Sunday 28 Jan our…
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As some of you know, I got married dressed as Darth Vader.While we were on honeymoon, Liz and I were hounded by the paparazzi. Well, they rang while I was lounging by the pool.The Newbury Weekly News were invited to the wedding and made us a spectacular wedding video. Also, The Sun and The Mirror ran little pieces. First to offer us untold riches for our tale were Full House Magazine. Click the picture to read the article. A few weeks ago, we sold out story to Now Magazine for their…
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