Man Goes And Perishes - inside some cheap motion sensitive LEDs

Circuit board with PIR sensor.

I was recently asked to review some motion sensitive LEDs. Not usually my thing, but they charge via USB - so why not! It has the most bizarre product description I've seen: Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentAlways nice to review a gadget which comes with a reminder of your own mortality…❤️ 9💬 3🔁 014:46 - Wed 07 October 2020 I think it is trying to say that if you leave the room the light will extinguish. Anyway, this is what it looks like: Four columns of LEDs - two a…

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LED strips for under-bed lighting

Lights threaded over slats.

When we moved house, we found the previous owners had installed under-cupboard lighting in the kitchen. It uses basic and cheap 12V LED strips. The strips are flexible and have glue on the back. We didn't like them in the kitchen. So we tried them on the stairs. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentTrying to work out where I want LED strips.The "aeroplane emergency lighting" look on the stairs isn't great.Suggestions?❤️ 7💬 13♻️ 014:24 - Sun 09 February 2020 Meh! Our mate S…

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