Interview in Colors Magazine #75 - Cease Fear

Photo of me having my photo taken in an underpass.

This blog post was written in 2023 about events in 2008. Such are the joys of time travel… In August 2008, I published a blog post about being stopped and searched by the British Transport Police as part of The War Against Terror. A journalist, Elena Favilli contacted me asking if I'd be interviewed about the experience. I agreed and, in November 2008, they shot the following video: h…

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I'm quoted in the "Infosys Digital Radar 2023"

Cover page of the report.

A few months ago, I had a lovely rambly chat with Harry Keir Hughes about the nature of data, transparency, and how it can tie into the Net Zero agenda. Harry and his team have taken my pontifications and placed them in the very swanky Digital Radar Report. The full report quotes lots of people - not just me! - and is mostly about "Live data" i.e. data that is transparent, readily accessible, and shared widely – is a prerequisite for innovative, sustainable, and human-centric enterprises. …

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Getting Interview Questions In Advance

Web Developer with a job (has a great big beard). Web Developer without a job (is clean shaven).

My friend, the superhero Jess Rose, posed an interesting question. are you giving your interview questions to the candidate in advance? If not, why not? I've just conducted interviews for some senior roles at work. We run a structured interview process where every candidate gets asked the same set of questions. The interviewers record their scores. Then, after all the interviews are done, we add up the scores - after a bit of arguing - and the candidate with the highest score gets the job. …

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My solar batteries on BBC's You & Yours

Me and a man from the BBC standing in front of an electric car.

Always a delight to be interviewed by the BBC again. This time, talking about our Solar Batteries. You can listen again on the BBC iPlayer. The solar stuff starts at 14m 30s, with my interview at 17 minutes. You can also hear my electric car being charged :-) Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentBeing interviewed by a nice man from the BBC about @Edent_Solar, @OxfordSolarLive and @edent_car!Thanks @JonDgls!❤️ 4💬 0🔁 018:08 - Tue 18 October 2016 🔊 Solar Power, Free-range E…

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QR Interview in Metro

Last month I gave an interview to the Metro newspaper about QR codes. Click for full size …

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