We place a large premium on Human. Mostly because it is what we've always known. But, when given the choice, we often ditch humans for something better. Some random examples… Radio DJs Does anyone actually miss witless chatter between records? Use of Spotify suggests a large number of us don't need a Human to introduce the next record. Or hold a phone-in. Or read out dates of a gig. We might prefer a human to curate the music we listen to. But is AI any worse than Payola? TV continuity a…
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Early Internet pioneer, Jon Postel, beautifully captured the "Robustness Principle" for networked communications. "Be strict in what you send, and generous in what you receive." That is, any computer sending data to another, should stick closely to the specification for that communication channel. Any computer receiving data, should expect that the sender isn't following the principle, and interpret the data as best as possible. This is what makes the modern net work. We expect errors in…
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This morning I received an email which made my heart sink. In order to co-ordinate things better, we'd like to invite you to our exclusive Slack Channel! A variety of rude words danced around my brain. I think this makes the, what, 9th? 10th? Slack that I'm part of. Don't get me wrong, I like Slack as a service - but it only really works if you have One Slack Team To Rule Them All. I've just got a new tablet - so I need to sign in to Slack TEN TIMES! How is that an acceptable user…
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Just because I ask a question - doesn't mean I'm asking you a question! There's a certain class of Internet user who troubles me. He - and it is usually a he - will strive to answer any technical question he sees asked, no matter his lack of expertise. Here are the symptoms: Sometimes he responds with the first Google link for the question - as though I haven't thought of doing a basic search. Sharing a link even though it's dated from 2006 and specifically notes that it doesn't…
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