It is spelled "URl"

The 😜 emoji.

There are many sectarian divides in computer. "Little-Endians" and "Big-Endians" wage bitter war against each other over the order of bits. Should line in text files end with \r\n or just \n? And both vi and emacs users fight betwixt themselves while ignoring the superior foe - nano. Perhaps the most contentious of these is the battle between URI and URL. Should we refer to links on the web as Uniform Resource Identifiers or Locators? Obviously there is a correct answer - and anyone who…

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Homoglyphs for SEO

Search Engine Optimisation is the (dark) art of getting a site to the top of Google's ranking algorithm. If you're in the business of selling decorations for ponds, you want your shop to be right at the top of the results when people search for "bespoke synthetic frog spawn." The problem is, there are lots of people all playing the same game. So, what "unusual" tactics can be used to drive sites to the top? Yesterday, I looked at how homoglyphs like Il (capital i lower L) can be used to…

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