Quick Thoughts on Google Glass

Me wearing a Google Glass. I've been photoshopped to look like a cyborg.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. Well, I've had Google Glass for all of 30 minutes - so I thought I'd give you my first impressions. No, I haven't read the manual. The first thing to note is that it is really well packaged. Everything from the USB cable to the bundled sunglasses are held together beautifully. As someone who doesn't wear glasses, I found them fairly light and not too intrusive. The screen sits slightly above my line of site…

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Experiments Using (not quite) Google Glass

Way back in 2010, I got a pair of video recording sunglasses. I've been occasionally using them to "lifelog" what I'm doing. With the advent of Google's Project Glass, I thought it would be interesting to wear them to a fairly techy event - Not At SXSW London - to see what the reaction would be. Here are my findings. Caveats These are not Google Glasses. These are £15 DVR Sunglasses. They are cheap and nasty and don't look anything like the futuristic Google Glasses. They record VGA …

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