It's always an odd experience to watch yourself speak. Everyone - I think - finds the sound of their own voice really odd. I'm no exception! This is the video from the Derby Museum Backstage Pass where we gave the first public demonstration of QRpedia. The Video Video shot by Nick Moyes. The Slides All slides are a work in progress. This is a close approximation of what was presented on the day. Introducing QRpedia at Derby Museum from Terence Eden View more presentations…
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It's always a delight to be interviewed by the BBC - even if it is on a subject I know very little about! As part of the Wikimedia Derby Backstage Pass a group of participants were invited around the mothballed Silk Mill Museum. You can hear the full interview on the BBC iPlayer As the iPlayer removes shows after a week, I've liberated the clip of me chatting away. Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the Derby Interview Thanks to Mark Ansell for performing the…
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Wow! What a day! I headed over to Derby Museum for the Wikipedia "Backstage Pass" event. I was invited there to talk about QRpedia and how it can improve visitor engagement in GLAM - Galleries Libraries Archives Museums. After the introductions, I had a quick wander around the museum - where I found the first set of QRpedia codes! I was, as this video will attest, very excited! I'll place the slides and video of the talk on the web once they're ready. In the meantime, here's what I…
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