M🞵A🞵S🞵H - De-Specialised Edition

The top and bottom are cropped but there's more details at the edges.

A few years ago, classic TV comedy MASH, was remastered and released on streaming platforms. The picture quality was massively increased with just one minor flaw. They cropped the image to 16:9 widescreen 😱 This upset some fans. The thing about widescreen is that it chops off the top and bottom of the picture. The top of Hawkeye's head? Gone! The bottom of Hot-Lips' boots? Vanished! אױ װײ איז מיר But, there is an upside. Or should that be side-side? Anyway, the new remaster adds some previo…

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HOWTO: Split WAV and CUE files on Linux

A cute penguin.

Mostly notes to myself, as a follow-up to this older post. This is a 3-step process. Add the file to an MKV Use MKVmerge: mkvmerge "audio.wav" --chapters "audio.cue" -o "audio.mkv" You can see that chapter names have been added to the .mkv if you run ffmpeg -i or mkvinfo. Split the MKV by chapter This generates one file per chapter: mkvmerge -D -S "audio.mkv" --split chapters:all -o "split-%02d.mkv" The -D switch means no video will be copied. -S means no subtitles. Extract the…

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