Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Joy To The World

Ruby's phone with a square camera cluster.

Welcome to this very silly series of blog posts where I attempt to identify all the mobile phones used in Doctor Who. The 2024 Xmas special is fairly light on phones. Right at the end, we see Ruby Sunday calling her mum. And a shot of the base of the phone. It looks like it's the same phone as last season albeit now in a bright yellow case. Probably a Pixel 5 The only other phone-like device is Joy's Mum's iPad. I've no idea which model iPad that is, but it looks like the case…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - The Four Doctors (1993)

Photo of Pertwee, Colin Baker, McCoy, and Davison standing outside the TARDIS. They all have 1990s mobile phones.

The Mirror has a rather wonderful image gallery of behind the scenes photos from Doctor Who. Lots of lovely black-and-white photos of classic stories. And then, right at the end, this: Cor! Four classic Doctors each with a mobile! This photoshoot was, apparently, done at the Hammersmith Ark which was holding an exhibition to celebrate 30 years of Dr Who. There isn't much information about it online - other than this press cutting - but there is another photo from the same series: …

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Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Season 14

Ruby holding a phone.

Guess who's back, back again! If you're new to the blog series, this is where I attempt to identify all the mobile phones used by The Doctor and their companions. The 2024 series is incredible. Lots of plot, not too much exposition, and a whole bunch of mystery. I love it when Doctor Who goes off in a new direction. Let's take a look at the handsets used in these stories. The Church on Ruby Road First up, bit of a cheeky inclusion, the police officer is packing a TETRA handset - the…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who: Paradise Towers

A man in a silver uniform stands next to a wall-mounted phone.

I'm loving the fact that BBC iPlayer has all the classic Who stories available to stream. I've been dipping in and out of the ones I don't have in my DVD collection. Paradise Towers is a brilliant story. It is well directed (which makes a nice change) and the story actually makes sense (mostly). The set decoration and story elements directly influence the modern series. And - most importantly of all - it contains a mobile phone! I'm not talking about the Walkie-Talkies which are…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - 60th Anniversary Specials

Dual screen phone showing CGI of a rocket landing and lots of scientific read-outs.

Let's do the time warp again! If you're new to the blog series, this is where I attempt to identify all the mobile phones used by The Doctor and their companions. The 2023 shows were an absolute blast. Some classic stories and a whole lot of running around. But were there any phones? Oh yes! The Star Beast First up, we get a gaggle of extras filming and taking selfies with the spaceship hurtling towards Cardiff London. All a bit blurry, but there are some iPhones in the mix. Shaun…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes of The Poisoned Sky

Still from Doctor Who. Martha is holding a PDA.

As I've discussed previously, I'm helping a collector who has acquired loads of mobile phones used in Doctor Who. Today's edition - The Poisoned Sky. As the Sontarans choke the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT battle to keep both Martha and Donna alive. A large plot point is Evil Clone Martha stealing a UNIT PDA and using it to HACK THE MAINFRAME. At various times she prevents missiles being launched: And disrupts UNIT's abilities to defeat the Sontaran menace: That original PDA is now…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes In the Forest of the Night

Bunch of kids holding phones.

I'm back with some more exclusive Doctor Who goodies! A collector has recently acquired a load of old Who prop phones - and I'm working with them to identify which episodes they're from. You might remember Series 8's "In the Forest of the Night. It's the kid-heavy episode with lots of unidentified phones. At the time, I wasn't able to get a clear enough view of the phones to work out what they all were. Thankfully, the props team gave the kids real working phones. And you know what kids do …

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - The Motherlode of Props

A big jumble of mobile phones.

If you're a Doctor Who fan - I promise that this post is going to please you greatly! The Internet is a weird and delightful place. For years now, I've been running a blog series about the Mobile Phones of Doctor Who. I went through every episode and painstakingly identified every mobile the cast used. People chipped in with their suggestions if I wasn't able to definitively state which phone was on screen. Hey, don't go yucking my yum, OK? Anyway, a few days ago, someone emailed me out of…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Bonus Pyramid at the End of the World. And a sneak peek...

General talking on a sat phone.

If you're a Doctor Who fan, this post contains a lovely little surprise at the end. I promise you it'll be worth it. For a few years now, I've been running a blog series about the Mobile Phones of Doctor Who. I'm only human, so I occasionally miss some of the devices. A reader contacted me to say I'd missed three phones from the Series 10 episode Pyramid at the End of the World. Firstly, a boring one. Erica's husband/boyfriend/housemate smashes her glasses because he's busy on his phone. …

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - 2022 Specials

Ace holding a BlackBerry phone.

So, farewell Jodie! What a brilliant Doctor she has been. I started this series of blog posts four years ago to celebrate her becoming ther new Doctor. As ever, I've identified all of the mobile phones used in Doctor Who. This blog post goes through the 2022 specials - three cracking stories to round out Jodie's tenure. Eve of The Daleks Classic time-loop episode where - for once - a mobile phone saves the day! Sarah Sarah's mammy keeps video-calling Sarah's Samsung. Thankfully, the props…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Series 13 - Flux

Montage of Dan holding his phone.

Hello gang! I've identified all of the mobile phones used in every single episode of Doctor Who! This blog post goes through Flux - which is one of the best series of Doctor Who. Ever. Let's dive in… War of the Sontarans Dan saves the day by videoing the Sontaran dockyards. We only get a few blurry shots of his phone: Camera top left with what looks like a flash underneath it. Probably a bit too boxy to be an iPhone XR - but the camera placement is classic Sony Xperia. Could be any of a d…

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who – Revolution of the Daleks

Graham holding an iPhone.

Welcome back, friends! I've identified all of the mobile phones used in every episode of Doctor Who! This post looks at the New Year's Day Special "Revolution of the Daleks". Do feel free to rummage in the archives. Wooooweeee! What an episode! Only a couple of shots of mobiles in this one - but worth sticking around for. Graham is rocking his iPhone - which we last saw in the S11 episode "Resolution". In the S12 adventure "Spyfall", Graham has a sleek black Android - which he promptly…

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