Digital Economy Act - #DEAPPG

In which the BPI threaten to sue me. Last night I was fortunate enough to find myself addressing the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Digital Economy Act.  Eric Joyce MP managed to bring together a diverse group of people from all sides of the debate for a (mostly) civil discussion on the Act, its limitations, and potential problems. MPs and Musicians in Perfect Harmony This was exactly the sort of discussion which should have taken place before the bill became law.  Sadly, we're left w…

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Protesting the Digital Economy Bill

A woman with dyed red hair holds up a placard. It is completely black. In the background, protestors hold up similarly black signs.

On Wednesday, I attended the "Stop Disconnection Demo" to protest the Digital Economy Bill outside parliament. Protestors I've been on a few protests in my time. Anti-war, anti-nukes, anti-tuition fees and the like. This was one of the most cheerful protests I've ever attended. The protesters were friendly and erudite. Passers-by seemed happy to take our literature. The speakers - while hard to hear - spoke with knowledge ad passion. Even the police (!) were charming and even took some of…

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