Exporting Blogger to Wordpress

The Logo for WordPress.

The built in Wordpress importer doesn't let one import a Blogger FTP blog.  I tried converting my FTP blog to a Blogspot one, but that didn't help. Luckily, a post by AlanA pointed me to Blogger2Wordpress conversion tool.  I exported my blog from Blogger, uploaded it to the tool, it spat out a .wxr file which I then imported to Wordpress. Looks like it has got all the posts, images and comments. Great stuff. …

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Playing with Wordpress

The Logo for WordPress.

I've been fairly happy using Blogger.com to compose and publish my blog posts.  But it's become obvious that it's an old and outdated platform which isn't receiving as much love from Google as it should be. I've been persuaded by Torgo and others to play with Wordpress. All I knew about it before today was that every blogger on twitter keeps moaning about it - so I really wasn't quite sure what to expect. Well, 15 minutes after downloading, I'm faced with an excellent interface, some very …

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