SPONSORED POST I love me a Segway! I only wish they were street legal in the UK. Anyway, Bing have paid me to say... Brian’s technological adventures lead him to a store in Los Angeles where he experiences the greatest invention of all time - the Segway. Now watch the video. If you're interested in sponsoring a blog post - get in touch. …
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SPONSORED POST Brian Badonde, Facejacker’s eccentric art critic at large, has launched his new web-based series entitled "The Art of Technology." The series follows Brian Badonde in his quest to learn more about how technology can enrich his already extravagant life with the help of Bing. This week's episodes feature Badonde furthering his quest to harness the power of technology using Beautiful Bing. Along the way he gets to know a Bing engineer a little better and ventures across the pond t…
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