What does Google think the minimum wage is?

Graph showing the rise in minimum wage in Euros.

There's been several long threads recently on Google's crappy info-box. Google doesn't want you to leave the Google page, so Google slurps information up and presents you an answer on the Google homepage. Here's what it typically looks like. OK, that's kinda useful. Search for a thing and get the info without clicking through. But there are times when it goes dreadfully wrong. Sometimes it gives dangerously misleading information. soft@softThe Google search summary vs the actual page…

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What's the origin of the phrase "Big Data Doesn't Fit In Excel"?

Slide saying "It Doesn't fit in Excel".

Welcome to Yak Shaving School! As part of my MSc I'm reading a book about Data Analytics. So I've been chasing down quotes to find their origin. One paper had this popular quote in it (emphasis added): As with many rapidly emerging concepts, Big Data has been variously defined and operationalized, ranging from trite proclamations that Big Data consists of data-sets too large to fit in an Excel spreadsheet or be stored on a single machine (Strom, 2012) Kitchin, Rob Big Data, new…

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