Get Chartered!

Photo of Michael Caine holding a shotgun from the movie Get Carter. The text says "Get Chartered".

Computing is a comparatively young industry. We don't have hundreds of years of history, or secret societies jealously guarding our knowledge, or much love for hierarchy. This makes it difficult to progress in a world which values strict demarcations between people. There's an obvious and well documented path from Army Private to Sergeant. If you're an architect (the kind that designs buildings) there are various qualifications and bodies to assess your knowledge and seniority. But…

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I'm the new Chair of the BCS Open Source Specialist Group

A t-shirt with the slogan "Make things open it makes things better."

I'm chuffed to bits to announce that I was recently elected to chair the BCS's Open Source community group! The British Computer Society is an august body, and the OSSG have put on some brilliant talks in the last few years. But I'd like to shake things up a little. I want us to move away from doing talks to a small group of London-centric folk. I want us to spread the message of open source out beyond people who are already interested. I also want us to put our money where our mouth is…

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What's The Point of the BCS?

I had the opportunity recently to interact with the British Computer Society (BCS). It reminded me strongly why I don't want to join them. Last night, I attended the BCS Event "Are You Social or Anti-Social?". (The fact that I can't link directly to the event should already show you the BCS's attitude to good web-keeping). Before I get on to the even itself, I'd like to go through a little history. Last year, the BCS found itself in a bit of a kerfuffle. It was trying to reorganise and…

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