I spoke, briefly, to BBC journalist Tom Singleton about our solar panels and how they're coping in the heat. The good news is that solar panels work when it is sunny (duh!) - but the bad news is that electronics are generally less efficient when it is hot. Here are a few examples. July 16th was a few days before the heatwave: .social-embed{all:unset;display:block;}.social-embed *…
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A few weeks ago, I had a delightful chat with the BBC about our solar battery storage. You can watch it on iPlayer starting about 7m 30s in. Community battery technology is here. It is feasible. And it just works. The solar panels on our roof generate more power than we can use - so we store it and share the rest. Yes, even in rainy England, solar panels work! Storage is expensive now - but it won't be long before it is as common as loft insulation or energy efficient light-bulbs. …
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After hearing my interview on Radio 4, the Jeremy Vine show asked me to talk about my smart home tech for Radio 2. BBC Radio 2 @BBCRadio2 BBC We discuss controlling all the devices in your home with your mobile phone. #r2vine pic.x.com/O9hx7aTFpp ❤️ 6 💬 8 🔁 0 …
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Off the back of my ThingMonk talk I was invited on to BBC Radio 4's PM programme to talk about the Internet of Things in the home. Listen to me on BBC Radio 4 - about 47 minutes in 🔊 💾 Download this audio file. Want me on your show or podcast? Give me a call! You can read more about my IoT adventures, including: Singing to my lightbulbs. Hacking my vacuum cleaner. Hacking my electric car. Getting hacked by my light switches. Securing my security cameras. Thanks to Chris Valla…
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Always a delight to be interviewed by the BBC again. This time, talking about our Solar Batteries. You can listen again on the BBC iPlayer. The solar stuff starts at 14m 30s, with my interview at 17 minutes. You can also hear my electric car being charged :-) Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentBeing interviewed by a nice man from the BBC about @Edent_Solar, @OxfordSolarLive and @edent_car!Thanks @JonDgls! pic.x.com/uvPiXQRM2r❤️ 4💬 0🔁 018:08 - Tue 18 October 2016 🔊 Solar Power, Free-range E…
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Last week I was contacted by the BBC's consumer affairs programme "You And Yours" for my expert opinion on a new type of mobile phone scam. Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentWarning! I'll be on @BBCRadio4's You And Yours shortly.Please tune your wirelesses accordingly. pic.x.com/6f3zsiwuin❤️ 4💬 1🔁 011:18 - Mon 11 April 2016 Several people had contacted the show to say that they had missed calls from the number "08454290015" or "08439800142" - despite not answering the call, nor dialling it them…
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Earlier this week I appeared on BBC Radio 4's "You And Yours" to talk about the scourge of SMS Spam. You can listen to it on their website - or, if it has expired, I've grabbed an audio clip for your listening pleasure. 🔊 💾 Download this audio file. I've asked the Direct Marketing Associate to create a "Do Not Text" list - so that people can opt-out of spam SMS. They already operate the Mail Preference Service and the Telephone Preference Service for opting out of junk mail and ca…
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While I was at the National Hack The Government hackday, I was interviewed by Chris Vallance - an amazing radio producer with the BBC. We spent quite a while talking about my findings of unsecured Government websites. It was a wide ranging chat, looking at spam, security, and the long term future of .gov.uk and .nhs.uk. He did a marvellous job of compressing it into a 5 minute piece which should be relatively easy for the lay audience of Radio 4 to understand. You can listen to the…
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It's always a delight to be interviewed by the BBC - even if it is on a subject I know very little about! As part of the Wikimedia Derby Backstage Pass a group of participants were invited around the mothballed Silk Mill Museum. You can hear the full interview on the BBC iPlayer As the iPlayer removes shows after a week, I've liberated the clip of me chatting away. Your browser does not support the audio element. Download the Derby Interview Thanks to Mark Ansell for performing the…
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