To recap, we have 5,040W of solar panels, with a 3.6kW inverter, and a 4.8kWh battery. That's a lot of (expensive) gear! What does it mean in terms of energy savings? Over the last 12 months we have: 4,000 kWh generated by the solar panels. 1,200 kWh purchased from the grid. 1,200 kWh sold to the grid. 1,300 kWh discharged from the battery. (Data taken from various APIs and rounded to make life easier). It's important to note that the battery doesn't only charge from the panels. Because…
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I'll review anything with a USB-C port. When hardware companies offer to send me a gadget to review, I'll always reply back with "only if it has USB-C". The EBL C9010N has a USB micro socket. *sigh* We live in the future now. Don't buy anything which requires you to have multiple cables and adapters. In terms of what the products does, it is… basically fine. Plug in Ni-MH or Ni-CD batteries and they will slowly charge. The batteries go in at a slight angle, which makes them slightly easier …
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Less than a year ago, in August 2023, we installed a 4.8kWh Solar Battery at a cost of £2,900. Whenever I talk about the upfront capital costs of solar power, people rightly want to know what the payback period is. Well, after less than 10 months, the battery has given us 1MWh. To put that in to context, the average UK household uses about 3MWh per year. So (again, very roughly) over a third of our electricity use this year has come from the battery. But where does the battery get its …
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Supertoys last all summer long! But batteries do not. The last set of rechargeable batteries I had leaked everywhere, and I could never find the right charging lead for the gizmo which pumped power into them. So let's cut out the middle-man and plug a USB-C cable straight into our batteries! What? These were the cheapest AA batteries I could find which took USB-C. £16 including delivery, for 4 batteries and a mutant cable. Regular AA batteries are about a quid each, or 50p if you buy in …
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I love my solar panels. But the solar panels don't love the British midwinter. Most of the year, my panels produce more electricity than I can use. But in winter we're lucky if they produce 3kWh per day - and most of the time it is considerably less. So our winter electricity bills must be massive, right? Nope. The normal cost per kWh is 28.5p (including VAT). We're paying less than half that - 12.4p per kWh. This is thanks to two things - a smart tariff and a home battery. The Octopus…
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I'm a little bit obsessed with building eInk displays. They're pretty cheap second hand. They're low energy, passive displays, with good-enough performance for occasional updates. Here's a new one which shows me what the current cost of my electricity is: Background After installing solar panels, a smart electricity meter, and a solar battery - the next obvious step was a smart energy tariff. Octopus (join and we both get £50) have an "Agile" tariff. Unlike a normal tariff - with a set …
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August is meant to be full of gloriously hot days. An endless parade of sunshine and drinks in the park. This year it seemed mostly grey, miserable, and prone to pissing it down at a moment's notice. We all know that solar panels' efficiency wilts in the heat, but do they get a tan work standing in the English rain? At the beginning of August we installed a 4.8kWh solar battery to supplement our 5kW of solar panels. The battery provides a CSV of readings taken every 15 minutes. It measures…
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Please imagine I have an extreme-YouTube-shocked-face as this post's thumbnail image. We recently got a 4.8kWh solar battery installed. Batteries are still somewhat complex beasties. In order to prevent damage to the internal structure, a BMS (Battery Management System) ensures that each cell in the battery gets a fair share of wear and tear. One side effect of this is that our battery never dips below 10% charge. So our usable capacity is 90% of 4.8kWh - which is 4.32kWh. The other day my…
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We recently upgraded our home solar storage to 4.8kWh. The battery has sensors to detect how much solar power we're generating, and how much electricity we're buying from (or selling to) the grid. That means... GRAPHS AND STATISTICS! Our battery was commissioned just after midday. This graph shows: 1630 - it was fully charged. 2000 - the sun had set and the battery started discharging into our home. 0700 the next day - the sun rose and started generating electricity, so the battery stopped…
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I have upgradeitis. If something newer and shinier comes out, my stupid monkey-brain compels me to buy it. Seven years ago, we installed a solar battery. It was part of an experimental project which looked at creating a community power-grid, so it came at a subsidised price. As I explained to BBC Click, the 2kWh capacity was reasonable - but I expected the future would bring higher capacity, cheaper costs, and smaller sizes. But, after 7 years the battery was starting to show its age.…
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I never get power cuts. But, we've had two in the last week. They've both been fixed quickly, but it takes an age for my cable modem to reboot - and then an age for my smarthome to reconnect to the WiFi. So it was time to invest in an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). My friend Paul Curry recommended the APC SMT1500i. It usually retails for around £700, but I found a refurbished one for £200 Let's put it through its paces! It's a chunky monkey! And weighs about 25Kg. So best set it on t…
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The fine folks at Poweradd have sent me one of their gadgets to review. This is their 26800mAh USB-C power bank with Power Delivery. It's pretty similar to most normal portable batteries - but because it has USB-C-PD, it can charge MacBooks, Nintendo Switches, and other high-power devices! Let's take a look: In the box A big black battery. A weird hybrid cable. It is USB-A to Micro-USB and has adapters for USB-C and Apple's Lightning. It isn't a USB-C PD cable. There's also a…
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