Thoughts on Mobile Tech 4 Social Change UK

Amazing brainstorming session #m4changeuk.

Saturday was a bit of a Busman's Holiday for me. The Mobile Tech 4 Social Change Camp was held in the London offices of Vodafone.  Certainly an interesting venue for a BarCamp - not quite as plush as the Guardian venue for #BarCampLondon09, nor as hip as Wallacespace for SMCLondon09, but surprisingly good for a smaller camp.  It's certainly given me a new appreciation for the office space in which I spend most of my time. Organised by, this was a BarCamp for people passionate …

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Porn and Social Media #SMCLondon

This was a talk I gave at Social Media Camp London in 2009. In it, I describe my experiences working with user-generated-content, pornography, and other adult material. This was one of my earliest BarCamp talks, and contains several ideas which now seem quite outdated.I was attempting to warn people about accepting UGC - not only the danger it posed to their sites, but also to their sanity.The tone is a bit too jokey in places, and some of my ideas around sex, gender, sexuality, and the like…

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