Extracting Your Data from the AudioBoo API

Logo for Audioboo; because sound is social.

Earlier this week, I wrote about the Future of AudioBoo. I'm sure the service is going to be just fine - but thought it would be an interesting exercise to liberate my data from there just in case. As I begin the move to decentralised services where possible, I think it's important that I take responsibility for my own data. The API docs for AudioBoo are very clear, so here's a quick guide on how to download all you Boos and (most of) their data. Get All Your Boos The AudioBoo API - unlike …

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The Future of AudioBoo is Uncertain - A Reply to @Documentally

Logo for Audioboo; because sound is social.

My good friend Documentally has written up his thoughts on the future of AudioBoo. Here is my reply, appropriately enough, in audio format. 🔊 The Future of AudioBoo is Uncertain🎤 Terence Eden 💾 Download this audio file. You may be interested in my other posts on the subject - Preparing for the Collapse of Digital Civilization and I Don't Want To Be Part of Your Fucking Ecosystem (So, yes, still trying to find a decent WordPress plugin which will take multiple files and display onl…

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Luncheon vouchers?!?!

Faded photo in the the window which says "We accept Luncheon Vouchers." Photo by Alex Liivet.

🔊 Luncheon voucher boo🎤 edent 💾 Download this audio file. Hello, AudioBoo and Internet World. I'm just weirded out. I've been sent as payment for a small project I did... Luncheon vouchers! I know it's churlish to complain when people pay you, but I've literally in my life, in 31 years of living on planet earth, I have never even seen a Luncheon Voucher. I thought they died out in the 80s, but I'm here with £14 worth of 50p luncheon vouchers. I don't know if I have to use them indivi…

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Integrating AudioBoo and Phreadz with Dabr

A quick explanation of how I integrated AudioBoo and Phreadz with Dabr. I'm a big fan of AudioBoo - for those who don't know it,  AudioBoo allows you to record some audio on your phone and then publish it to the web.  It's like instant podcasting.  Originally only for the iPhone, AudioBoo now works on Android and there's an S60 version comeing out "soon". I'm very proud to announce that as of r260 - Dabr now support AudioBoo! It all started with a tweet from David Carrington (creator of Da…

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