Review - Richard Herring's "Christ on a Bike"

I'm not saying I'm a better blogger than Richard Herring. That's for other people to say... - Terence Eden Is Richard Herring the son of a god he doesn't believe in? He may not be the Messiah, but he is a very funny boy. For this long time apathist, none of His arguments were very […]

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Am I A Jedi or An Atheist?

Billboard saying "If you're not religious, for god's sake say so."

Census time is coming around - which brings with it the tricky question of religion. Regular readers will know that I self identify as an apathist - a peculiar sub-branch of atheism. Those with longer memories will have seen me self identify as a Jedi (Dark Side). So, when the 2011 census rolls around, how […]

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Scientology is stupid - but so is John Dixon

Drawing of a person in an Anonymous mask. They are holding up a sign that says

For those who don't follow the hive-mind on Twitter, there has been a run in with Scientology trying to stifle free speech. Or, as I think, not. Here are the brief facts of the case. A local councillor (John Dixon) has a Twitter account "CllrJohnDixon" Last year, he tweeted: "I didn't know the Scientologists had […]

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I'm an Apathist.  It's a funny sort of mix between the various flavours of Atheism and Agnostism. At its very root is the fact that I just don't care.  Arguments about religions and their various gods are tedious; by their very nature there is no way of resolving them. So, lets take some points.  See […]

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