Book Review: "A World on Fire: An Epic History of Two Nations Divided" by Dr Amanda Foreman

Book cover engulfed in flames.

1861: "On the one hand, slavery is bad. On the other hand, cheap cotton from the South keeps the UK economy working." 2022: "On the one hand, invading Ukraine is bad. On the other hand, cheap gas from Russia keeps the UK economy working." Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose… This is an […]

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The USA is Weird

Artwork. President Obama fires a machine gun with a rocket launcher strapped to his back. He is riding a velociraptor. The stars and stripes flutter in the background.

We've just come back from a lovely holiday in the USA. I'm a fairly seasoned traveller - yet I always find the USA the strangest country to visit. Perhaps its because it all seems so familiar - from the movies and TV shows, and the fact the speak the same language - that the differences […]

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Mitt Romney And Gun Control

Gay Veteran talks to Mitt Romney.

I wrote this before the Presidential election. I didn't publish it because it looked like Obama was going to win without my help. Also, it feels unseemly to meddle in another country's politics. Recent events have stirred me into posting. I don't know much about Mitt Romney's position on gun control. It doesn't seem to […]

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