Find WordPress featured images with no alt text

The Logo for WordPress.

WordPress allows you to set a featured image - called a "thumbnail" in the API. This gives a single image which can be used on a listing page, or shown when a post is shared on social media. The WordPress Media Library lets you set the alt text of an image. But, crucially, this alt text can be different when the image is used as a featured image. Here's how to find all your featured images which don't have alt text. One Liner Paste this into wp shell to get a list. foreach (get_posts(…

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Should you embed alt text inside image metadata?

Screenshot showing technical details of the metadata on a photo. It contains a copyright notice.

Not everyone can see the images you post online. They may have vision problems, they may have a slow connection, or they might be using a text-only browser. How can we let them know what the image shows? The answer is alt text. In HTML we can add a snippet of text to aid accessibility. For example <img src="monalisa.jpg" alt="A painting of the Mona Lisa."> Most social networks will let users add alt text to help describe their images. Brilliant! But... People don't always add alt text when…

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