Wanted: TARDIS

Many years ago, when I was very young and you were even younger, I bought a TARDIS.

Sadly, it turned out to be made of cardboard and only suitable for storing DVDs. No flying through time for me 🙁

Also, it turns out that it wasn't bigger on the insider than on the outside.  Meaning, it's now full.  Does anyone know where I can get another one?

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5 thoughts on “Wanted: TARDIS”

  1. Elliot Muir says:

    I love it! I love Doctor Who and hope you enjoy it 2nite! Sorry I don't know where you could find another! Try eBay?

  2. Wow, thanks for the finds, guys. However, this is a £20 piece of cardboard. Not sure if I'm willing to sell a kidney for a wooden cabinet. I'll keep on hunting though!

  3. Jessica says:

    Wow that looks so cool... let me know if you find some, I'd love to grab one for myself 😉


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