LED strips for under-bed lighting
When we moved house, we found the previous owners had installed under-cupboard lighting in the kitchen. It uses basic and cheap 12V LED strips.
The strips are flexible and have glue on the back. We didn't like them in the kitchen. So we tried them on the stairs.
Our mate Sam suggested creating an "illuminated boudoir".
Step 1 - remove the mattress:
Step 2 - thread the LED strips through the bed base's slats:
The hardest part is making sure the lights all face downward.
The strips are tough, and the mattress is soft enough not to crush them.
Step 3 - plug them in!
Taking photos in the dark isn't super easy, but you get the idea.
Super romantic!
We've got these plugged into a smartplug so we can toggle them on/off from our phones. We can also shout "Alexa - make the bedroom romantic". The Alexa is kept far away from the bedroom. We're not monsters!
My mate Tiffany uses dimmable Hue LED strips. Coupled with a Hue motion sensor, they activate as soon as you enter the room - or if you get up in the middle of the night.
Rainbow Bloop 🦄 said on queer.party:
@Edent good call...monsters cannot tolerate LED lighting....
Matt S says:
I've done similar with an Innr white E14 smart bulb in an orb lamp (like this https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/KTMAAOSwseZb2EzK/s-l1600.jpg), and a Hue motion sensor. Set a Hue schedule so that it illuminates on dimmest brightness level between 23:00 and 06:00 - perfect for getting up in the middle of the night.
Eric Andersen says:
I bought Merkury flex LED strips and placed them on the cover over the vertical blinds in the living room. They are WiFi enabled and programmable. On at dusk and off at 11PM, they make very nice indirect lighting for the room that highlights the sliding glass doors.
Dr. David Mills said on twitter.com:
The poor monsters under the bed will get no sleep with all that light.
Edafe Onerhime (FRSA) said on twitter.com:
Tiffany using dimmable lights that come on when you enter the room is 👌🏿