User Stories From The Blokechain
bləʊk ʧeɪn
Noun: any technology which attracts clueless men
User Stories are great! A simplified snippet to help you understand the problem you're facing. There are, of course, a vanishingly small number of genuine use-cases for the Blockchain. So cryptobores have to resort to ever more baroque explanations to sell their wares.
I recently stumbled on this absolute gem of a user story, and feel compared to share it with you in all its horror.
I'll grudgingly admit, there's the kernel of a good idea in there. If you can look past the misogyny and self-loathing. And the outdated colloquialisms.
Perhaps I'm wrong. Should user-stories contain such fully-realised characters? Does it help you understand the full context of what you're designing if you have a picture in your mind of your hypothetical users' deepest psychosexual neuroses?
But - please - don't create user-stories which just reinforce your desire about how the world should work. Go out and speak to real users. Yes, even girls. Find out what they want, how your products can genuinely help them, and what threat models they face.
Users are real people - they aren't cyphers for your fantasies.
Shout out to Robin Wilton for coining the term in 2015 - albeit in a different context.
Kate AG said on
shudder Most useful info this gives me is that this guy is jealous he was jilted for a DJ and is still very sore about it.
anonymous said on
User Stories From The Blokechain -