New teeth, who this?

My long journey to replace my teeth is (I hope) at an end.

Last week, my lovely dentist fitted my two custom-made teeth. After all the months of drilling, screwing, photographing, x-raying, and prodding, the last fitting was little more than gluing. I now have two colour-matched gnashers installed in my bonce. And all my brain can do is scream…


The first few weeks of having the teeth removed was weird. My tongue kept prodding the gaps as if it were hoping its friends had magically returned. After getting the healing abutments screwed in, I couldn't stop feeling the metal divots in my mouth. And now I have teeth again, the weirdness has returned.

Logically, I know my lips are constantly being touched by my original teeth. But now they're also being touched by new teeth - and that's all I can fixate on.

When I chew, my teeth grind against each other - as they have done for decades. Only now they're grinding against something which wasn't previously there.

The inside of the new teeth feel unnaturally smooth against my tongue. As though they are artificial constructs unwillingly transplanted to my face.

There are foreign objects in my mouth, protruding horrifically into my lips, attacking my teeth, and ensnaring my tongue. They are pushing against the other teeth in my mouth, crowding them out. I hate hate hate hate it.

I'm not normally someone who complains about sensory issues - and I know I will get used to it in time - but this is intensely uncomfortable.

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2 thoughts on “New teeth, who this?”

  1. said on

    @Edent I've been having some of this over the last year - a tooth broke, and has now finally been removed, but due to my finances there was a long period of tolerating it first. When they did file the pointy tip off of it last month it was blissful - I didn't realise how much low-level pain I'd been in up to then, until it suddenly stopped!

    Hope you get comfy with yours soon - it was really quick for me, less than a week I think.

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  2. Mike says:

    I have a partial denture with two teeth. It felt exactly as you describe when it was first fitted: foreign and horrible. But a month or so later and it felt entirely natural, so rest assured that the feeling will pass. The brain becomes used to what is normal and what is abnormal soon becomes normal again.


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