Who can reply?
Vague thoughts as they enter my brainbox.
The BlueSky social network has introduced "Reply Gating" - it looks like this:
You can write your hot take on Taylor Swift and not be inundated by weirdos replying to you. Nifty!
This is nothing new. Twitter has it. Facebook has the concept of "audiences" to restrict who your post is visible to.

And, of course, blogging has this! There is a comment form at the bottom of this page - and I moderate it. If you post something stupid, I don't have to subject my audience to your inanities. I can (and do) block users from commenting.
ActivityPub doesn't have this (yet). It's much more like a public mailing list. I can block or mute you - which stops me from seeing your abuse - but doesn't stop anyone else from seeing it.
Should ActivityPub have something similar? Yeah, I reckon so. I'd like to be able to say "Anyone I know want to go to the pub tonight" and only have mutuals reply. I want to prune away spam or repetitive replies. It would be helpful to have a conversation in public that other people can't interrupt.
The UI would be complex. And the social model needs a bit of work. And there are some technical challenges around syndicating which replies should be included.
But, ultimately, social media should respond to the needs of its users.
I think you might have misinterpreted my post. You might still be able to respond - but people who follow me won't see your responses. You will be shouting into the void. My server will not list your posts as replies to mine. It is OK for individuals to set boundaries on the conversations they want to have. If you come up to me in a pub and start talking with me and my friends, we're under no obligation to include you. That isn't "cryptofascism"; that's society.
The conversation can happen in public - so everyone can see it. But only specific people are allowed to reply. This is quite normal on other social networks. My Facebook posts are visible to the world - but I only want my friends to be able to comment on them. As I say, the mental model for most people will need updating. The UI will need to be carefully designed. But it's clear that pruning out unwanted replies is a feature that lots of people want.
@blog gotosocial has the beginnings of this. Each post has a flag to set if it's likeable, boostable, replyable.
This is great but the granularity isn't there for only followers or only mentioned or anything else. (My information might be out of date)
Hopefully when mastodon introduces "quote boosts" it opens the door for interaction permissions across the board.
More comments on Mastodon.