3D Printing My Teeth

A tiny 3D printed Jaw.

As previously mentioned, I recently had a some dental issues and learned how to view a CT Scan in 3D using Linux. At a hackathon last week, my friend Sidd brought along a 3D printer. How hard is it to convert a CT scan to a file suitable for printing? Slightly trickier than I expected! […]

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You can outsource risk, but you can't outsource reputation

Cyber attack hits major London hospitals. ‘Significant impact’ on King’s College Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and south-east London GP services, say NHS leaders. A cyber attack has crippled three major London hospitals, causing operations, blood tests and transfusions to be delayed for weeks. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is investigating the source of the ransomware attack, which led to chaos in A&E departments on Tuesday. NHS leaders said there had been a “significant impact” on King’s College Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and GP services in south-east London. The Telegraph understands that security sources believe the hack to bear the hallmarks of a criminal activity. The attackers behind it are believed to be

Over the last few weeks, I've had several people ask me about the recent hack on the NHS. A ransomware attack has meant that several hospitals have cancelled operations and there is now an urgent demand for blood donors. What does it say about the state of NHS IT that this attack has happened? Nothing. […]

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Drawing PPM images on the Tildagon in MicroPython

Various circuit boards showing images.

The Tildagon has 2MB of RAM. That's not enough to do... well, most things you'd want to do with a computer! There's not much processing power, so running complex image decoding algorithms might be a bit beyond it. Is there a simple image format which can be parsed and displayed? Yes! The ancient Portable PixMap […]

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Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Weather

Hundreds of snowflakes - each one unique and beautiful.

(Mostly written in response to this issue on the Awesome Falsehoods list) For those new to the format, there is a popular meme about things which computer programmers erroneously believe. This isn't intended to shame anyone - just to point out things which may not be immediately obvious to the neophyte. There's nothing us Brits […]

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Setting the time on the Tildagon

Hexagonal circuit board with circular screen. It is showing the date and time.

I'm beginning my adventures in MicroPython in the hope that I'll have something interesting working on the Tildagon Badge for EMF2026. Here's a basic implementation of a clockface. Here's how to set the time on the badge. There's a hardware clock which should keep time between reboots. Install mpremote on your computer. Connect the Tildagon […]

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Digital Litter Picking

Graphic showing a person depositing rubbish in a bin.

In an ideal world, people wouldn't drop litter. There would be plentiful bins and people would be responsible with their rubbish. In a slightly less ideal world, the local council would have enough money to clean up the mess left by people. But we don't live in an ideal world. People are ignorant and selfish. […]

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Displaying a QR code in MicroPython on the Tildagon Badge

A hexagonal circuit board with a circular screen. The screen displays a monochrome QR code.

This was a bit of a labour of love - and something I wanted to get running during EMF Camp. I'm documenting in the hope it'll be useful for EMF 2026! Here's the end result: Background I'm going to assume that you have updated your badge to the latest firmware version. You will also need […]

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The Chancellor of the Exchequer doesn't understand Tax Law

Photo of Jaffa Cakes by "antidale" https://flickr.com/photos/antidale/4317399455/ .

Freedom of Information law is brilliant! It allows ordinary people to ask questions of the powerful and get solid answers. Sometimes these questions are sensible and journalistic. Sometimes they're vexatious. Sometimes they're a little silly. The silly ones can be fun to answer. It's a good chance for a politician to show their human side. […]

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Hack advertising regulations by forming a political party?

Advert for a fictional brand of cigarettes.

The UK has some tough advertising regulations. There are restrictions placed on gambling adverts, alcohol, tobacco, and all sorts of other products. But there are no regulations on political advertising. There are dozens of smaller parties contesting the UK's General Election. Some are single issue parties, some are independents, some parties contest multiple seats, some […]

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VR Review: Moss 2

A mouse in a clockwork puzzle.

Did you enjoy the game Moss? This is a sequel which is identical to the original. The graphics are identical, the gameplay is identical, the puzzles are identical. There are a couple of slightly new mechanics and a new playable character (also a mouse). But it is fundamentally more of the same. So I suggest […]

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