Never mind the red Dalek in the film, the Dalek in the image that says they can’t see red, is red! OK, the whole book seems to have very small palette (maybe they thinking of how it would look on red/black/white eInk displays in the future) but they could have picked any other colour that isn’t in the book’s very small palette to say Daleks can’t see, or simply not made that Dalek red!
I’m not a big Doctor Who fan, but even I know there’s a biological being inside a Dalek. I’ve seen inside a Dalek on TV. I’ve seen a human which weighs not much more than 2.5lbs and they were a lot smaller than that lump of biology inside a Dalek. Saying a Dalek weighs 2.5lb is absurd even ignoring the lump of biology. How is a 2.5lb Dalek going to make headway moving into a stiff breeze? How are they going to conquer Earth, or anywhere, why does the book claim we cannot hope to beat the Daleks tomorrow, when they’re light enough for a child to pick one up and chuck it?
Bonkers and then some. 😀